“Future of Australia” Podcast with Ryan Kevelighan  Listing Image

“Future of Australia” Podcast with Ryan Kevelighan

clock icon Published Tuesday, March 21, 2023 / By 1M 1Medical

1Medical made it on the Financial Review list of 100 fastest-growing new companies in Australia.  Derek Stewart and Ryan Kevelighan (Director of 1Medical) discuss running a medical recruitment business, managing staff shortages, and launching a tech business, HealthPass - powered by F2F Solutions.


The topics discussed in the podcast:

  • Ryan Kevelighan’ s background, career path journey to becoming a Co-Director of 1Medical and F2F Solutions
  • Managing growth, but at a steady and sustainable pace, doing $45 million in revenue this year, focusing on gross profit, and not just top-line revenue
  • Staff shortages, juniors cannot work without seniors and vice versa
  • The domestic and international competition for doctors, and the time required to be a doctor
  • Bringing in doctors from overseas takes 6-12 months, and it is still an international competition 
  • Challenges for entrepreneurs is getting hold of skilled staff, following the immigration challenges
  • Getting the right people on board, and seeing them happy, making recruiters feel part of the journey, and not part of a production line.

Click here to listen to the podcast: Episode 68 – “Future of Australia”

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